About La Habra Heritage School
Let’s be happy and experience the joy of learning together
La Habra Heritage School developmental curriculum is geared to the age and ability of the individual child and provides a wide range of varied activities planned to enhance their intellectual, social, emotional and physical development. As with any developmental program we know children’s skills develop in a natural sequence and at each child’s own pace. Consequently, each child is treated as a unique individual. We want to stimulate their interest and then allow for their own natural curiosity and exploration. Children are encouraged to maximize their potential in an active, warm and responsive environment. We also recognize the importance of nurturing a positive self esteem as a foundation from which growth evolves.
About Our Expert Teachers
The staff share the philosophy of this program. Each has varied levels of experience and education. Continual professional growth and in-service training is provided through weekly planning, staff meetings, workshops, seminars and conferences. Parents are an important part of this program. We have an open door policy, and you are welcome any time through the day to visit and observe your child and/or teachers. Parents are invited to discuss the specific needs of their children at any time, and every effort is made to maintain open channels of communication. Newsletters contain topics of interest to parents and keep them abreast of current events in the school. Parents are encouraged to participate in all Heritage activities. When parents participate, then their children feel their school is a special and important part of their daily lives.