La Habra Heritage School Policies
Please read the policies below and if you can not find your answer, please send us your question, we will answer you as soon as possible.
The Parent Handbook
La Habra Heritage School offers full or part-time care for children ages 6 weeks – 12 years.
Parent education evenings are offered, as well as Parent-Teacher/Director conferences. Birthdays can be celebrated at school with advance notice.
Transportation will be provided for after school children. Parents will drop off their children at our school facility in the morning. La Habra Heritage School will then transport the children to the public school at the appropriate time, pick them up again from the public school and bring them back to our school facility for after school care.
Children may bring their own lunch. La Habra Heritage School provides lunch for a nominal fee. Milk and juice are provided. Nutritional snacks are provided in the mornings and afternoons from two or more of the major food groups. No child will be given a food to which he/she has a registered allergy.
Prescription medication will be administered at the instruction of the parent. A medication form must be filled out daily, indication the prescribing physician and appropriate dosage. Medications must be in the prescribed container, and will be stored in an inaccessible closet, or refrigerator. If a child has to take medicine, the school will take the responsibility of administering such medicines if the parents sign an authorization form each day such medication is needed. All medication must have a prescription label. All medication will be administered by the Director, or in her absence, by the Head Teacher as Acting Director. If there is a discrepancy between parent’s instructions and the prescription label, the Director will, prior to administering any medication, ask parent to provide a written verification from the prescribing doctor of the proper dosage. All prescriptions given will be documented by the Director (see attached form). A medical and dental emergency release form as well as an identification and emergency information sheet will be signed by each parent prior to a child’s admission to the school.
At least one interview with parent and child will be held to determine that the school’s facilities and programs fit the child’s physical, emotional, and developmental needs. Parents will e given written material describing admission policies, health requirements, school activities, and curriculum goals.
Department of Social Services forms: “Notification of Parent’s Rights” and “Personal Rights” must be given to each parent enrolling a child. Parents have the right to enter and observe the facility at any time the school is in operation. All services are provided on a non-discriminatory basis.
Each child must have a health screening by a licensed physician prior to admission. Those that wish to refrain from this requirement due to religious and/or personal beliefs may do so if they make this request in writing (usually by signing the back of the blue PM286 immunization card). In addition, each parent must provide a health history. Medical history will be updated annually at registration. Parents must provide proof that children have received all necessary immunizations prior to enrollment.
Once all screening data is acquired, the Director will meet with parents for the purpose of determining each child’s readiness for the school’s programs, and to place the children in the class in which he/she is best served.
The school requires emergency notification information on file. Parent’s phone numbers as well as the numbers of other responsible adults must be kept current. Physician and dentist numbers and addresses will also be on file. If no one can be reached in the event of an emergency, the school will have on file a signed consent form for medical treatment.
A sign-in sheet for each child will be provided with full legal signatures required. Parents will indicate the time they have arrived. At this time a member of the staff will inspect the child for illness, or exposure to contagious disease. If staff determines that a child is not well enough to participate in the program at the time of the wellness check, then the child will not be allowed to participate that day. This is in the best interest of the child, the staff, and the other children. Any information that could affect the child’s behavior or participation will be elicited. Upon leaving, parents will sign the child out. Not child will be released to a person not previously designated in writing.
This form is provided by the State of California and is complete in its entirety (LIC 702) and allows the parents to share personal information regarding the child’s normal daily routines to assist teachers in getting to know the student better and to help with any special needs.
This health evaluation is required by state law (Title 22 SEC 101220a-b). State form number LIC 701 meets this requirement.
Any time a child will be absent from school for any reason, please give us a courtesy call. No tuition refund will be given for days missed. If your child is enrolled on a part-time basis and misses a day, that day cannot be made up on an alternate day.
The payment of weekly tuition is due on or before the first schedules day of each week. Payments not received on this day will be subject to a $10.00 late fee. Rates change from year to year and are included on a separate rate sheet. The following charges also apply: Anyone falling more that two weeks behind on tuition will be asked not to bring their child to school until tuition is paid. Any change in basic tuition rate will be given to the parents in writing thirty (30) days prior to becoming effective. Long-term absences such as one week or more, half the tuition fees are required and shall be paid prior to returning to school. Any check returned for insufficient funds will entail a charge of $30.00 to the parent.
I understand that no allowances for tuition fees shall be made for occasional absences, such as illness or vacation. Full tuition is required for the week.
A non-refundable registration fee of $65.00 will be charged when you enroll your child. For those enrolling during the summer months, a non-refundable registration fee of $30.00 for all summer only program enrollments shall be paid at the time of registration. An annual non-refundable material fee of $35.00 is due at the time of pre-registration. A late pick-up fee will be charged after 6:00 PM (or noon on Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve). Charges are $1.00 for each minute thereof, per child. This charge is to be paid immediately to the teacher in charge.
The full school day ends at 6:00 PM. Parents are strongly urged to pick-up their children no later than 6:00 PM. Please be considerate of your child’s teacher, who has been working all day.
Withdrawal from school requires two weeks written notice. If notice is not given, parents are responsible for paying tuition for two weeks.
A child will be released to any person other than the parents, unless special arrangements have been made. Parents are kindly asked to never drop-off their child and leave them to walk in alone. The State requires a sign-in and sign-out signature, but more importantly, your child needs to feel that their parents care enough to take them personally to and from school. This also provides the teacher, who is with your child all day, to update you on your child’s profess and inform you of any situations that may arise.
As our licensing agency, Social Services has the right, by law, to interview children or staff as they may deem necessary; and to inspect and audit child or facility records without prior permission. The Department also has the right to observe the physical condition of the children and to have a licensed medical professional physically examine the children.
For our parent’s convenience and peace of mind (the school) maintains an “open door” policy. This means that parents may visit the school at any time, without an appointment or prior notice, so long as the general rhythm of the program is not disrupted and the children are not disturbed.
La Habra Heritage School is operated as an equal opportunity employer and provides daycare services on a non-discriminatory basis.
The school is unable to allow make-up or substitute days for times that a child is absent. There is no refund for days no attended. A refund of prepaid tuition will be made, provided two weeks written notice of intent to withdraw is given.
A child may be terminated by the school if it is determined that is in the best interest of the child, other children in the class, and/or the overall operation of the center. After every effort to correct a problematic situation has been made, a child may be terminated for non-payment of tuition, the center’s inability to meet the child’s needs, dangerous or disruptive behavior, or continued violation of school policies by the child or parent. Every effort to give one week’s notice will be made.
We immediately have the right to refuse service to anyone at anytime.
Appropriate and comfortable clothing should be worn by all children. Therefore, dresses with ruffles and bows, and pants with difficult belts and fasteners should be avoided. Your child’s safety is our major concern. In order to prevent accidents, sturdy and safe shoes are a must. Closed rubber soled shoes provide the best protection against injury. Please mark everything with your child’s name. We are not responsible for lost clothing or personal articles, such as toys, etc.
We get involved in activities, and the children should not have to be overly concerned with staying clean. Every child should have a complete change of clothes, as well as a blanket for naptime. These items are to be taken home for washing each Friday. Please clearly label all these items with your child’s name.
Children are required by the Department of Social Services to be provided with a daily rest period. Your child will be provided with a comfortable mat to rest one. You will need to provide a crib sheet for the mat and a blanket. All these items need to be clearly labeled with your child’s name. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to take bedding home for washing each Friday.
Parents are welcome to send a special snack for their child’s birthday or other special occasions. Please discuss this with your child’s teacher in advance to avoid scheduling conflicts.
We do not have facilities to provide care for an ill child. In the event that it becomes necessary to contact you regarding your child’s health, arrangements must e made to pick up your child within the hour. In the event that emergency medical treatment may be required and the responsible parent/guardian of a child cannot be reached after reasonable attempts, La Habra Heritage School is authorized to seek and render appropriate medical care.
After a child has been ill, it is generally accepted that he/she will be able to return to normal activity when he/she has been fever free for 24 hours. For the safety of all the children, they must be fever free for 24 hours before they may return to school.
The State of California requires that children be in good health to attend school. If a child cannot be part of the natural school routine then the child should not be at school for that day. A child needs to be able to participate actively in the school’s program.
Safety of your child is our major concern, but accidents do happen. It will be very helpful if you inform the staff when your child has received an injury at home, so we may e aware of the situation. If your child is injured at school, we write an incident report describing the situation. Very minor scrapes and bruises will not be written up. Usual treatments for minor incidents are ice packs, band-aids and TLC. Ouch reports are usually sent home explaining the incident. In some cases we call the parents and advise them of the injury and request the parent to choose the procedure they feel best fits the situation. In more serious cases, we call paramedics, parents, and the child’s doctor, in that order.
We have periodic fire and earthquake drills. Each staff member has a designated responsibility assigned to them for the safety and well-being of your child. Emergency equipment and supplies are checked regularly and kept in good working order.
In the event of an emergency, the staff will remain with your child until they have been picked up. Our goal will be to reunite children with their families as quickly as possible when it is safe to do so.
To grow educationally, socially and emotionally, children need to be in an environment in which there is a concerned teacher who will set firm, consistent, positive limits while providing warmth and support for their appropriate behavior. There is one standard of behavior for all students: Don’t stop the teacher from teaching. Don’t stop others from learning.
We will help children understand how they can control and be responsible for their behavior by not allowing to hurt themselves or others, as well as how to show respect for themselves and others, including property of others. Foul language will not be tolerated. Any form of physical or excessively disruptive behavior can and will result in immediate suspension from La Habra Heritage School. Parents will be required to meet with staff and director for reinstatement into the school. Staff will work cooperatively with parents to help alleviate the unacceptable behavior; however, if such behavior persists, the school reserves the right to discontinue child care.
Parent/Teacher conferences will be scheduled in the spring, but by no means should you feel that this is the only time when you should visit with your child’s teacher. We want to exchange thoughts and information about your child whenever necessary. Please share with us any comments regarding the school program. It is only with open communication that we can continue to provide a quality program for your child. We welcome you to visit the center at any time, share your talents or help with special projects.